GOALZZ turns your classroom quiz

into an epic football match

It's simple, engages every student and it's free. Here's how to try it with your class

To start, give your class a Quizalize quiz

Make a quiz on any topic, choose from 5 million topics and questions (free to use or edit) or import your own Google Form or Quizlet quizzes

Then show Goalzz! on your big screen while students answer the quiz

With each correct quiz answer students see their name on the big screen as their team wins the ball, passes and shoots in 3D, while the crowd cheer

Play as your favourite teams

Teams can create their kit and play as their heroes.
Relive classic matches - maybe rewrite history!

Powerful grading and data, included

Quizalize dashboards are the best in the business.
Live results show who needs your help, and what they need help with, the moment they need it

Only made possible by our community of
6 million wonderful teachers and students worldwide

Meritxell Deegan
gave us
out of 10
"Efficient and playful way to learn. Students enjoy it... and they don't even realize they are learning in the process"
Cheryl Morton
gave us
out of 10
"I love that its easy to use, make my quizzes and give to the students. What I love best is that it grades for me and I don't have to!!!"
Dr. Turner
gave us
out of 10
"The students enjoy playing Quizalize. It's a great way to review vocabulary. I love that as a teacher that I can copy my Quizlet vocab directly to Quizalize."

Number 1 'by a landslide'

'Startups Most Likely to have a Global Impact'

Kimberly Moody
gave us
out of 10
"Students love games and this makes studying fun and challenging.  They are more willing to study."